Selasa, 21 Julai 2020


Ah, bukan kita tak reti orang Malaysia ni (umumnya). Mana faham bahasa orang kita ni. Disuruh jaga penjarakan, selagi boleh rapat dia kasi rapat. Disuruh pakai topeng muka, dia buat selamba. Bila orang tegur, dia buat sial maki orang tu balik. Sehinggakan peniaga pun dah jadi tak kuasa nak menegur. 

"Pergi mampuslah engkau orang semua... malas aku nak peduli."

Nampak perkara ini seperti tidak ada apa-apa. Namun kesan buruknya mula menampakkan diri setelah segala penat lelah kita dahulu.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has warned all Malaysians not to throw caution to the wind after 13 new Covid-19 clusters were detected recently.He said there was a possibility the government could reimpose a stricter movement control order (MCO) if there was a spike in the number of cases.

With the number of cases returning to double digits, the government is now considering making it compulsory to wear face masks in public and if necessary, place Malaysians returning from overseas at quarantine centres again while imposing heavier penalties on those found flouting laws and regulations.

Muhyiddin said although the number of Covid-19 cases was low in Malaysia, he expressed concern over the 13 Covid-19 clusters that had emerged during the recovery MCO period such as those reported at a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur since July 6 and in Stutong since July 18.

Moreover, four new clusters had been detected since July 7 among those who returned from abroad – a cluster in Sarawak (three cases), Melaka (five), Terengganu (three) and Kuala Lumpur (two).

“What worries me more is that Covid-19 positive cases have returned to double digits since a few days ago. All these things should not be taken lightly. I am sure you do not want the government to impose a lockdown again in case cases spike, ” he said when announcing the latest development on the recovery MCO yesterday.

On June 7, Muhyiddin announced the recovery MCO to replace the conditional MCO after Malaysia successfully contained the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

The recovery MCO, which began on June 10 and end on Aug 31, has seen almost all economic sectors reopening but guided by strict Covid-19 standard operating procedure (SOP).

“We witnessed the positive impact from the government’s strict measures and the people’s high discipline throughout the enforcement of the MCO.

“Our national economy has also started to pick up and we are getting to enjoy our lives as we practise the new normal.

“However, let’s not be careless and take things for granted. I want to again remind all of you that the Covid-19 pandemic is not yet over.

“So, let us all persevere and combat the pandemic, ” he said.

In view of the concern over a possible spike, Muhyiddin urged Malaysians to continue with the new normal.

Meanwhile, the government was considering making it compulsory for people to wear face masks in public areas and the details would be announced later, said Muhyiddin.

If necessary, those who had just returned from overseas would be placed at quarantine centres in order to control imported cases more effectively, he said, adding that it was also considering heavier penalties imposed on those found to be flouting laws and regulations.

He said that during the recovery MCO, every individual, family and community member played a crucial role in reminding one another to adhere to preventive measures.

Parents must always remind their children to wear a face mask and to practise social distancing, hand washing and avoid crowded places. They should also remind children not to shake hands.

“Remind them daily even if you are accused of being naggy because this is very important. We all love our families, ” he said, adding that employers must remind, put notices and monitor workers to adhere to the SOP at the workplace, principals, teachers and prefects and class monitors should play a proactive role in schools, and village heads, imam and community leaders should take care of their communities. [1]

Ah, kita memang minta PKP semula sebab kita bodoh dan tak reti bahasa. Ketika negara lain menderita cuba melawan jangkitan dan kita antara negara yang berjaya menyusutkan jumlah dengan ketara, kita jadi leka dan terlupa. Pesan demi pesan disampaikan tetapi kesemuanya masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri.

Petugas kesihatan bekerja macam nak mampus untuk menyelamatkan kita, kita yang bodoh macam lembu ini selesa memilih untuk cepat mampus. 

Konon nak bertasawuf tak mahu takut dengan penyakit kerana penyakit itu dari Tuhan, dan kita lebih patut takutkan Tuhan. Kenapa perlu takut dengan COVID-19 ? 

Apa ke bangang kau punya faham tentang sunnah alam ni ? Tuhan cipta penyakit itu untuk sedarkan kita bahawa kita tidak selalu sihat untuk lalai dan leka. Dan setiap penyakit itu Tuhan jadikan padanya ubat untuk ikhtiar rawatan. Dan COVID-19 ini ikhtiarnya pada segala SOP yang kita adakan itu. Itu ilham ubat dari Tuhan kepada hambaNya, dan sewajarnya kita berusaha, bukan berserah tak tentu hala macam orang bodoh.

Tengoklah apa terjadi pada negara tetangga kita. Sanggup memanjat pagar masjid yang ditutup sebab kemaruk nak terawih. Terawih woi. Sunat, bukan wajib. Musim darurat elok lagi buat di rumah. Konon awak warak sangat ke sampai sanggup menyumbang kepada peningkatan jumlah jangkitan ? Kemudian jual nama Tuhan untuk sedapkan hati sendiri ?

Eh, Arab Saudi yang kita tahu kerasnya pelaksanaan undang-undang agama pun tutup Masjidilharam kepada jemaah pada peringkat awalnya sebelum dibuka beransur-ansur. Dia pun tahu Kaabah tak layak menerima tetamu yang bodoh tak reti bahawa bahaya penyakit.

Jumlah pesakit itu nampak kecil. Tapi bayangkan kalau dia tak tahu dia sedang sakit dan merayap ke sana ke mari berjumpa dengan ramai orang dan semua dijangkiti ? Berapa besar kluster yang telah dia wujudkan ?

Masih nak jual nama Tuhan untuk kebodohan diri sendiri ?

Hidup biar berakal panjang pak cik mak cik abang kakak wei. Jadikan diri awak contoh baik kepada generasi muda. Pandai merungut kata orang muda sekarang ramai kurang ajar. Awak sendiri sebagai orang tua tunjuk perangai bodoh dan kurang ajar, jadi orang muda mengikutlah. 

Mahu PKP semula kan ?
Seronok terkedang di rumah tak payah bekerja, kemudian minta kerajaan bagi kau duit lagikan ?
Pergi jahanam.


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